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    Seller FAQs

    How quickly can you buy properties?

    In as little as 3 days (potentially sooner, depending on the situation)

    Do you low-ball sellers?

    No, we don't. We are a business and we do need to make a profit. We make our money either through price or terms. If you want your price, we need our terms. If you want your terms, we need our price. So the choice is yours.

    How long have you been in business?

    Since 2004.

    How do I know you're legit and have a track record of buying properties?

    You can view some of our property deeds here.

    Can I see your purchase agreement?

    Yes. You can get a copy here.

    Can I avoid some or all taxes when selling my property?

    While we're not tax advisors, there are some ways you can improve your tax situation with 1031 exchanges, installment sales, or our unique seller profit share program.

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