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ATTENTION WHOLESALERS: If you have deals that you must pass on because you can't get the seller to meet your 65% or 70% ARV numbers then I have good news for you...

We'll Pay You for Your "Dead Leads" So That You Can Reinvest that Money Back Into Your Marketing to Get Leads You Can Close

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Congratulations! 4 of the 10 Spots Are Still Available!

Schedule a Call Now So that We Can Start Reimbursing You for Your Marketing

Please select a date and time for our call. Our available slots book up VERY fast so please select a time NOW so that you don't miss out.

NOTE: If there are no times available that work for you, leave this window open in your browser window and refresh it tomorrow or email us at [email protected] and we will accommodate you. PLEASE remember to include your phone number, a few times you want, as well as your time zone in your email.

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The amount of our marketing reimbursement depends on how many leads you send us and how many we close.