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I'm Sorry but Unfortunately I'm Unavailable for a Live Zoom Call Right Now... But Please Schedule a Call with Me Below

On the Call, Please Honor These Things...

1. You should be serious about getting an agreement on your property today. Closing can be scheduled on the date of your choice. Please review our simple 1 page purchase agreement BEFORE the call. You can view it by clicking here.

2. Be willing to accept a fair price for your property and be open to negotiation. Your asking price should be based on actual sales data and not emotion (based on a minimum of 3 recently sold comps from similar, nearby properties, adjusted for square footage). Also, if your asking price is at the top of the market, you should be flexible on terms. It's almost a law of the universe that if the seller gets their price, the buyer gets their terms. You should focus on the how much we're putting in your pocket instead of the price. An agent may very well be able to get you a higher price but after their commissions they will put less in your pocket. Also, we purchase subject to any existing liens so that we can get you a higher purchase price.

3. Don't show up to the call skeptical. There's plenty of properties we can buy and we don't want to deal with difficult people. If you're skeptical that we can do what we say we can do, check out dozens and dozens of deeds to properties we've purchased over the years here. If you're skeptical after that, this isn't for you. Also, be open and honest about the situation and the condition of the property. Don't play games or be coy.

4. Bring any decision makers to the call and be ready to give a YES or NO to the offer we give you on the call. We will never pressure you. Saying NO is completely okay (and encouraged if it’s not a fit for you). But you agree not to give a MAYBE or "I need to think about it" or "I need to talk to so-and-so" or "I need to pray to my pet rock." You understand that we are making a high volume of offers and can't leave offers hanging out there and that the offer is only valid on the call.

5. Be a person of your word and honor your commitment to show up for the call. Your time is valuable and so is ours. We're blocking out this time for you.

If you have an agent: We don't buy with agents involved. If you have an agent now, we can try to help you get the listing agreement cancelled so that we can buy your property (we're successful doing this most of the time).

43.5% of Sellers that do a Zoom call, accepted an offer from PropDaddy.com.

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